
Cloud Printing: 10 facts you may not know

When cloud printing is used effectively, it’s a hassle-free way for any organisation to increase efficiency while saving money. But it’s also relatively new as a technology, which means that its benefits and potential are mainly known by an elite few in the tech space.

We believe in the power of technology. After all, tech shouldn’t hold businesses back. It should propel them forward!

So we thought we’d throw together a bit of a fact file on ten things you may not know about cloud printing.

1. The printing isn’t just outsourced to the cloud; the management is too

Anyone working in IT will be well acquainted with the frustrations and the time taken to manage a print network, especially in larger organisations. It’s true to say, when you have tens of machines and hundreds of users, that printing can be high maintenance. But with cloud, the management is taken care of, so you don’t have to lift a finger.

2. Security is paramount

Security is often cited as the number one reason companies don’t migrate to the cloud. Of course, it’s a valid concern. However, by leveraging virtual private networks (VPNs), we ensure that your data is kept in a completely closed loop, making it safe and secure. With the server cache being wiped as soon as your document is printed, you won’t have to worry about sensitive data getting into the wrong hands.

3. Your IT department can take a break

Mainly due to the fact that the print management side of things is outsourced to the cloud, your IT department will suddenly have some time on their hands. As everything is managed externally, they will no longer have their time taken up with printing, and can spend their valuable time elsewhere.

4. It helps to eliminate inefficiencies

We’ve all been there when a colleague has accidentally printed 100 versions of the same document. Printing in the real world can be inefficient, costing businesses lots of money. However, with cloud printing you can review your company’s process and identify ways to maximise performance, as you have access to useful data on how much you print, who is printing what and when.

5. It can save you money

In this era, both public and private sector organisations are trying to save money in every way possible. But most don’t realise the true savings found in taking printing up to the cloud. From server consolidation, reductions in IT support to lowering your energy consumption, you can really help to bring down printing costs by migrating to the cloud.

6. It’s reliable

Cloud printing means you have a robust and responsive printing system – it can do clever things like know when you’re out of toner and automatically deliver some to your workplace.

7. You can print from any location

The modern workforce wants to work from any location in the world and often needs flexible working. With cloud printing, you are guaranteed to be able to print from wherever you are in the world.

8. It helps the environment

No, seriously – cloud is your new eco-friendly print option. As it gives you greater control over what is printed, you use less paper. It’s simple really. As you can print to any device in your network, you reduce your carbon footprint by not needing to transport documents from one site to another